Psychological Counseling Unit

The Psychological Counseling Unit (PCU) aims to assist İstanbul Bilgi University students in dealing with any psychological concerns they may encounter during their university life. Psychological support can be obtained from the PCU regarding many issues like anxiety, depression, academic problems and relationship problems. The PCU has offices on all the campuses. The PCU team is made up of full-time and part-time counselors, a psychiatrist and an administrative assistant. The PCU offers individual counseling, group sessions, training seminars and psych educational services.

Individual counseling is the process of talking with an expert to work out a problem. All individual counseling at the PCU is free and sessions are organized on an appointment basis except for emergencies. An appointment can be made by filling out the form on the website and forwarding it to the unit.

Group sessions provide opportunities to overcome difficulties together with other students who are experiencing similar problems. Group sessions are held every semester on different campuses. The announcements for these sessions are made on the website.

The PCU organizes trainings and seminars every semester with different subject matter and with the participation of PCU experts and invited speakers. Information about frequently encountered problems and the ways to solve them can be obtained, and skills needed in academic, professional and social life can be gained from these seminars. All PCU seminar announcements are made on the University website.

There are also brochures that provide information about frequently experienced problems at university and how to deal with them on the university website. In-depth psycho-educational articles are added on particular topics to these brochures every semester.

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