Financial Procedures and Principles


Information about current tuition fees for associate and undergraduate program students can be found on SIS.

Financial procedures and principles to be applied when registration is put on hold

The procedures and principles in force when a student applies to put their registration on hold are as follows:

A student that applies to have their registration put on hold in the first seven weeks of the semester to be put on hold is considered not to have attended that semester and is not obliged to pay any tuition. A student that applies to have their registration put on hold after the first seven weeks of the semester but before the final exams of the semester to be put on hold is considered to have attended that semester but is only obliged to pay half the tuition cost. This amount is to be paid upon putting the registration on hold and cannot be reimbursed or counted towards any future payments.

A student that applies to have their registration put on hold in the first seven weeks of their first semester after registration is obliged to pay half the tuition amount for that semester and any other semesters that the registration is put on hold. This amount is to be paid upon putting the registration on hold and is deducted from the tuition cost once education has resumed. However, if the student withdraws from the university at the end of the period in which the registration was put on hold, this amount is not refunded.

Financial procedures and principles to be applied upon withdrawal from the university

Students that apply to withdraw from the university before the start date of the first semester they registered for are liable to pay 10% of the annual tuition cost and those students that apply to withdraw from the university after the start of the first semester they registered for until the beginning of the following semester are liable to pay 50% of the annual tuition cost. For students that withdraw from the university after the first semester they registered for:

  • If the withdrawal request is made between the registration date for the fall (first) semester and the start date for the fall (first) semester, the student is liable to pay 10% of the annual tuition cost.
  • If the withdrawal request is made after the registration date for the fall (first) semester but before the end of the fall (first) semester add/drop period, the student is liable to pay 25% of the annual tuition cost.
  • If the withdrawal request is made after the end of the fall (first) semester add/drop period but before the start of the spring (second) semester, the student is liable to pay 50% of the annual tuition cost.
  • If the withdrawal request is made after the registration date for the spring (second) semester but before the end of the spring (second) semester add/drop period, the student is liable to pay 75% of the annual tuition cost.
  • If the withdrawal request is made after the end of the spring (second) semester add/drop period, the student is liable to pay all the annual tuition cost.
  • If the student is considered “irregular” (began undergraduate studies in the spring (second) semester, these conditions are applicable starting from the spring (second) semester.
  • If the student withdraws from the university at the end of the on-hold period, no refunds are made.
Financial procedures and principles for additional courses and credit loads

Except for double major students, if twenty percent of the total credits load for a registered program has not been exceeded, students that wish to take on more than the regular semester credit and course load and have not exceeded their regular educational period are not liable to pay any additional costs besides the regular tuition cost.

Financial procedures and principles for double major students

There is no additional cost for doing a double major except for the regular tuition and additional course and credits costs associated with the primary major.

Financial procedures and principles if the regular educational period is exceeded

Except for time spent in the English Preparatory Program and when registration is put on hold, students that exceed the allotted eight semesters for undergraduate and four semesters for associate program studies will be charged per semester and per cost. The per credit tuition cost is calculated by dividing the annual tuition cost for the program that the student is enrolled in by 60. The total cost that a student that has exceeded the regular education period is liable to pay cannot be more than the enrolled program’s annual tuition cost.

Financial procedures and principles upon early graduation

Those students that have earned the right to graduate at the end of the seventh semester of their regular education period will be refunded half of their annual tuition cost.

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